Maduabuchi, Mbonu Chikwelu

Measuring the Impact of Social Entrepreneurship: A Case for Triple Bottom Line Accounting - 2015 - 782 - 790

This paper seeks to bring an overview of social entrepreneurship and identify the relevance of triple bottom line accounting as a metrics of measuring its impact. . It will employ descriptive method in analyzing secondary sources such as textbooks, journals, internet, etc. It is hoped that that this work will propel an increase in number of social entrepreneurship and their sustainability in a developing country like Nigeria. The literature review focused on social entrepreneurship in which definition is proposed. Then based upon the concept of triple bottom line comparisons were drawn. After which areas where triple bottom line accounting can be applied as metrics can be seen. A review of the critical literature shows that accounting profession as being criticized as being apathetic to society and environment. This paper shows how such criticism has been corrected by emergence of triple bottom line Accounting.

Triple Bottom Line Accounting
Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Eleventh Biennial Conference On Entrepre
Biennial Conference Papers