Bapat, Dhananjay

Road Map to Entrepreneurship A Reflection of Success / Bapat, Dhananjay. - 2005

The basis sources of growth in any economy are performance in production, efficient allocation of resources across economical activities and innovation that creates products. This brings wider uses of the products and efficient use of inputs. Much attention is focused on stimulating small business (SME) development, development of industries by providing financial resources and deregulating restrictive legislation. However, success also depends on the initiative taken by individual entrepreneur in creating a viable business. Therefore, discovering the factors that motivate the individual to start a new venture also becomes equally important. .The study examines the major motivational factors affecting entrepreneur in starting a business for sustained economical development. The study examines the motivational traits among the Engineering students and it also identifies the gap based on analysis and it recommends appropriate and focused training programme for would be entrepreneurs along with identification of the development and support programmes to meet the needs for dynamism in entrepreneurship for the country

Entrepreneurial Communities
Local Governance
Local Governance And Entrepreneurial Com
Entrepreneurshipip Research
Sixth Biennial Conference On Advances An
Biennial Conference Papers