Hisrich, Robert D

The Russian entrepreneur Hisrich, Robert D. - 1993 - 487 - 497

Despite a significant interest in business and entrepreneurial activities in the former USSR, there continues to be a shortage of accurate information to dispel some of the myths and misinformation particularly about entrepreneurial activities occurring in the new Russia. Since the inner workings of the economic environment in the former USSR have rarely been described or understood, it is important to view present day entrepreneurs in the context of the country's historical perspective and entrepreneurial predecessors. While never in the forefront of the largely political stage of the country during the Tsarist and Soviet periods, entrepreneurs have nonetheless been consistently present throughout the country's history. Even though most everyone was engaged to some extent in some form of commercial activity, entrepreneurs from the 16th to the 19th century were thought to be inferior individuals. As a consequence, entrepreneurs were oppressed, heavily taxed, powerless individuals at the bottom level of society. But for a few notable exceptions, even Peter the Great's program to create a class of industrialists failed to develop entrepreneurs. In spite of this significant...