Kumar, Aashish

Understanding Appropriate Teaching Pedagogy for Startup Entrepreneurship - Bangalore Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 10-01-2022 - 12p.

Industry 4.0 poses technological challenges and organizational implications, providing opportunities to enable innovation in a collaborative culture for the de-velopment and use of digital technology among various firms and startups. Startups and other forms of doing business are quite different from each other in origin, technique, and practice. Hence, this conceptual paper presents a comprehensive in-quiry into startup education pedagogy with which the needs of participants from heterogeneous backgrounds who want to create an innovative, technology-driven, scalable solution to society's problems can be addressed. In this paper, we suggest that a course in a startup could emphasize an experiential learning approach with uniquely designed pedagogical strategies like administration of Ecosystem Under-standing Module (EUM), preparation of Locality Startup Ecosystem Index (LSEI), and Startup Personality Map (SPM).

Start-up Education
Entrepreneurial ecosystem