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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-04Application of data envelopment analysis on Indian gold ETFsDwivedi, Amitkumar; Acharya, Satya Ranjan; Panchal, Bhumika Darshak
2019Assessing the Effectiveness of Business IncubatorsDhochak, Monika; Acharya, Satya Ranjan; Sareen, S.B.
2018-04CSR Funds: Fuelling Venture PrototypesAcharya, Satya Ranjan; Dixit, Tonisha
2023-02-22An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Awareness about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): in the Context of Gujarat, India TrainersVarshney, Nandini; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2020-06-19Entrepreneurship Education Intention and Entrepreneurial Intention Amongst Disadvantaged Students: An Empirical StudyShrivastava, Umesh; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2019-02-26Entrepreneurship Skills Acquisition through Education: Impact of the Nurturance of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude on New Venture CreationChandra, Yamini; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2022-07-07Entrepreneurship Teaching in India and the RegionShukla, Sunil; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2017-08-11Entrepreneurship: A Tool to Eradicate UnemploymentDhochak, Monika; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2019-07Evolution of MOOCs and Entrepreneurship - How Entrepreneurs Can Hone Their Skills Through Online CoursesAcharya, Satya Ranjan
2019-09-20Fostering Entrepreneurship: an Analysis of General Enterprising Tendency and Pedagogical Intervention in Building Entrepreneurship EducationAcharya, Satya Ranjan; Chandra, Yamini
2019-06-06Fostering Entrepreneurship: An Analysis of General Enterprising Tendency and Pedagogical Intervention in building Entrepreneurship EducationAcharya, Satya Ranjan; Chandra, Yamini
2017-02-22Implications of Intellectual Property Rights and Socio-economic Factors on Growth of Manufacturing Sector in Selected Cross Economies: An Empirical AssessmentSingh, Ajay Kumar; Acharya, Satya Ranjan; Chavda, Pravin
2021-02-25Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Focused Interventions for Marginalized Community in Post Pandemic SituationAcharya, Satya Ranjan; Dixit, Tonisha
2021-02-25It is Not that Simple: Capabilities and Contingencies Faced by Social Entrepreneurs in Scaling-up ProcessShrivastava, Umesh; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2023-02-22Mapping the Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education (2002 2022): A Bibliometric Review and Future Research AgendaAnubhav, Kumar; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2018-03-15Planting Thoughts, Propelling Ideas… EDII Alumni Survey Report 2017Malodia, Suresh; Yagnik, Jignasu; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2018-05Policy implications for the improvement of technology transfer and commercialization process in the Indian contextSheth, Bhavisha P.; Acharya, Satya Ranjan; Sareen, S.B.
2019-02-22Professional Leadership in Indian Family Business and Business GrowthPandit, Nirali; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2021-02-25The Role of Incubators in Securing Resources and Performance of the Start-ups in IndiaAggarwal, Ansita; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2025-02-26Serial Entrepreneurship Dynamics: Unveiling the Role of Setbacks, Emergent Learning, and their Influence on Firm ResiliencePandey, Sukriti; Khetarpal, Ruchika; Acharya, Satya Ranjan