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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Approaches to Entrepreneurship Development : the Indian ExperienceAwasthi, Dinesh N
1996-03Book Review: Poonam Smith-Sreen, Accountability in Development Organisations: Experiences of Women's Organisations in India, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1995, pp. 289Awasthi, Dinesh N
2000-03Book Reviews : Philippe Cadene and Mark Holmstrom (eds), Decentralized Production in India: Industrial Districts, Flexible Specialization, and Employ ment, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1998, pp. 416Awasthi, Dinesh N
2005Enterprise Development in Mountain AreasPapola, T S; Awasthi, Dinesh N
2005Enterprise Development In Mountain Areas: Guidelines For Entrepreneurs Promotional Agencies And Policy MakersPapola, T S; Awasthi, Dinesh N
2003-03-31Entrepreneurship and Management inputs for Entrepreneurs in the Food Processing Sector a Ready Reckoner 31 March 2003 (E942)Awasthi, Dinesh N; Jaggi, Raman
1992-03Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms: An Exploratory Study of the Dyestuffs Industry in AhmedabadAwasthi, Dinesh N
1992-01Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms: An Exploratory Study of the Dyestuffs Industry in Ahmedabad.Awasthi, Dinesh N
2003-03Entrepreneurship and Venture CapitalAwasthi, Dinesh N
2000-11-08Entry Barriers to Entrepreneurship : A Concept NoteAwasthi, Dinesh N
2000-11-08Entry Barriers to Entrepreneurship: A Concept NoteShukla, Sunil; Awasthi, Dinesh N
1996Evaluation Of Entrepreneurship Development ProgrammesAwasthi, Dinesh N; Sebastian, Jose
1996-03-14Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes; Awasthi, Dinesh N; Sebastian, Jose
2012-12Gen Y and Entrepreneurship : the Enablers, the Killers and the Eco-SystemsAwasthi, Dinesh N; Shukla, Sunil
2000-11-08Interest Groups and Small Scale Entrepreneurship in IndiaAwasthi, Dinesh N
2006A Manual for Entrepreneurs: Food Processing IndustryAwasthi, Dinesh N; Jaggi, Raman; Padmanand, V
2006A Manual For Entrepreneurs: Food Processing IndustryAwasthi, Dinesh N; Jaggi, Raman; Padmanand, V
2000-09Market for Business Development Services in India: A Study of CalcuttaAwasthi, Dinesh N; Pal, Sanjay
1994-03-29Performance Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Indiadc. subject; Awasthi, Dinesh N; Sebastian, Jose
1999Promoting small and micro-enterprises through training interventions: The Indian experience (MEI case study series)Awasthi, Dinesh N