Browsing by Author Bharti, Pankaj

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-0518 -19 Summer Camps on Entrepreneurial Stimulation for Children in the age group of 12-16 years May 2011Bharti, Pankaj
2018-04-2932 - 33 Summer Camp on Entrepreneurial Simulation for ChildrenBharti, Pankaj
2018-05-0733 - 34 Summer Camps on Entrepreneurial Adventures for YouthBharti, Pankaj
2019-05-0534 - 35 Summer Camps on Entrepreneurial Simulation for ChildrenBharti, Pankaj
2019-05-0135 - 36 Summer Camps on Entrepreneurial Adventures for YouthBharti, Pankaj
2024-10-17Coping with Stigma: Development and Initial Validation of Scale in Indian ContextBharti, Pankaj; Verma, Sunil K.; Bajpai, Alka
2012Dehumanization of urban and rural poor : applied social psychologyBharti, Pankaj
2024-05-03Development of Social Stigma Scale in Indian ContextBharti, Pankaj; Pandey, Janak; Verma, Sunil K.; Singh, Tushar
2018-10-03Does Stigma Always have Negative Consequences?Verma, Sunil K.; Bharti, Pankaj; Singh, Tushar
2025-02-26Entrepreneurial Intensity: The Literature Based and Bibliometric StudyBasu, Analjyoti; Singh, Priya; Sanyal, Chinhita; Bharti, Pankaj
2018-04-29Entrepreneurial Summer CampBharti, Pankaj
2016-01Entrepreneurship Development among Tribals in IndiaBasu, Analjyoti; Bharti, Pankaj
2016-01Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2014: India ReportShukla, Sunil; Tanuku, Krishna; Bharti, Pankaj; Dwivedi, Amitkumar
2017-07Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2015/2016: India Report ; Shukla, Sunil; Parray, Mohammad Ismail; Chatwal, Navniit Siingh; Bharti, Pankaj; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2018-03-01Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2016/2017: India Report  Shukla, Sunil; Parray, Mohammad Ismail; Siingh Chatwal, Navniit; Bharti, Pankaj; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2019-03-01Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2017/2018: India ReportShukla, Sunil; Parray, Mohammad Ismail; Siingh Chatwal, Navniit; Bharti, Pankaj; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2020-08-19Global Entrepreneurship Monitor India Report 2018/2019Shukla, Sunil; Chatwal, Navniit Siingh; Bharti, Pankaj; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar; Shastri, Vinod
2021-06Global Entrepreneurship Monitor India Report 2019/2020Shukla, Sunil; Bharti, Pankaj; Dwived, Amit Kumar
2021-12-04Global Entrepreneurship Monitor India Report 2020/2021Shukla, Sunil; Bharti, Pankaj; Dwived, Amit Kumar
2023-01-27Global Entrepreneurship Monitor India Report 2021/2022Shukla, Sunil; Bharti, Pankaj; Dwived, Amit Kumar