Browsing by Author Dwivedi, Amit Kumar

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 54  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Agri-Tourism Entrepreneurship- A Tool to Rural DevelopmentDwivedi, Amit Kumar; Singh, Ashok Kumar; Tewari, Nivedita
2023-09-12Antecedents of Smart Farming Adoption to Mitigate the Digital Divide - Extended Innovation Diffusion ModelDixit, Krishna; Aashish, Kumar; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2019-09Book review: Alain Fayolle (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship EducationDwivedi, Amit Kumar; Maitraya, Shuchi
2018-09Book Review: Hans Landström, Advanced Introduction to Entrepreneurial FinanceDwivedi, Amit Kumar
2021-09Book Review: Mohammad Mustafa. Demystifying Venture Capital: How it Works and How to Get ItDwivedi, Amit Kumar; Randhar, Sanjay Kumar
2017-09Book Review: Robin Banerjee, Who Cheats and How? Scams, Fraud and the Dark Side of the Corporate WorldDwivedi, Amit Kumar
2021-03Book Review: Stuart Cunningham and Terry Flew (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Creative IndustriesDwivedi, Amit Kumar
2017-03Books Review: Harinder S. Kohli and Ashok Sharma, A Resilient Asia Amidst Global Financial Crisis: From Crisis Management to Global LeadershipDwivedi, Amit Kumar
2021-01-19Can Family Businesses Survive the New Normal?Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2017-06Distance and Online Entrepreneurship Education in IndiaDwivedi, Amit Kumar
2024-07-31Dronelab: A Wing of a Visionary EntrepreneurMishra, Ashutosh; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2014-05Efficiency Measurement of Indian Sugar Manufacturing Firms: A DEA ApproachDwivedi, Amit Kumar; Ghosh, Priyanko
2017-10Energising Youth Through Skill DevelopmentDwivedi, Amit Kumar; Velusamy, Saravanan
2023-02-22Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Future Research AgendaMishra, Ashutosh; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2022-11-07Entrepreneurial ManagementDwivedi, Amit Kumar
2024-07-05Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education (2002–2022): A Technology-empowered Systematic Literature ReviewAnubhav, Kumar; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar; Aashish, Kumar
2022-07-07Entrepreneurship Teaching in India and the RegionShukla, Sunil; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar; Acharya, Satya Ranjan
2021-02-25Factors Influencing Start-up Intentions among Women: A Study based on Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Data (2014-18)Dwivedi, Amit Kumar; Shukla, Sunil
2019-02-22Factors Influencing Women Entrepreneurship in IndiaArafat, Mohd Yasir; Ahmad, Mohd Junaid; Khan, Ahmed Musa; Khan, Mohd Saeem; Khan, Mohd Mohsin; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2012Farm Women Social Constraints and Remedial MeasuresDwivedi, Amit Kumar; Bishnoi, Indira