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Title: Agriculture Entrepreneurship in Ivory Coast (Cote D’ivoire) and Future Perspectives with Incubation
Authors: Epezagne, Assamala Ingrid Ruth
Keywords: agriculture industry
Issue Date: 22-Feb-2023
Publisher: Bookwell Delhi
Abstract: Agriculture industry is key to the economic development of Ivory coast with more than 22% of GDP and contribute to 60% of jobs in 2020. This study aims to alight the history of agriculture industry in Ivory coast, establish the current state of agriculture entrepreneurship and elaborate on the future perspectives which offers incubation. This research proposes a model that shows the effects of incubation on agriculture entrepreneurship in Ivory Coast. Data were gathered from 100 entrepreneurs in agriculture industry as well as national official documentations. We found that incubation have a positive and significant influence on agriculture entrepreneurship. Moreover, the paper can help alleviate stigma about agriculture entrepreneurship by creating decent jobs and increase businesses success rate. This paper look into future perspectives for agriculture entrepreneurship in Ivory Coast where little research has been done in the domain.
ISBN: 9788195834037
Appears in Collections:Entrepreneurship Context - Agriculture Entrepreneurship

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