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Title: Entrepreneurial Intensity: The Literature Based and Bibliometric Study
Authors: Basu, Analjyoti
Singh, Priya
Sanyal, Chinhita
Bharti, Pankaj
Keywords: entrepreneurial intensity
influencing factors
influenced factors
bibliometric study
Issue Date: 26-Feb-2025
Publisher: Bookwell Delhi
Abstract: Entrepreneurial Intensity (EI) is considered as the specific tool in the present study to capture the correlates of focus, commitment, innovativeness, proactiveness and risk management. However, apart from the mentioned correlates, EI also takes care of performance of the enterprise and frequency of the entrepreneurial events (frequency in short) into consideration. The objective of the study aims to capture the study of EI from two angles. The first angle focuses on the trend of the outcomes of the literature study, and the second banks on the bibliometric analysis that investigate the research landscape surrounding the entrepreneurial intensity. The literature surveys suggests that the study of EI has taken four routes, i.e., original study of EI where EI is defined; EI’s influence on different correlates ; contribution of other factors correlates to study of EI; and finally influenced by definite correlates, impact of EI on other factors correlates in continuation. Again, Bibliometric analysis is used to examine academic publications to identify trends, patterns, and relationships within a specific field. The bibliometric data aims to map the evolution of research on the entrepreneurial intensity, identifying key contributors, influential journals, and emerging research themes.
ISBN: 9789386578792
Appears in Collections:Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

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