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dc.contributor.authorEntrepreneurship Development Institute of India
dc.description.abstractSesame seeds are an agricultural produce and are cultivated in some parts of Gujarat in large quantities. Consumption within the country is not much but there is a substantial export market, with the European countries, Japan and certain Gulf countries being the bulk buyers. There are many export houses and agents dealing in many commodities including sesame seeds. Sesame seeds have a thin shell or husk which needs to be removed and this process is known as hulling. The process requires susbtantial quantity of water as raw sesame seeds are soaked in water to facilitate hulling and minimise the breakages. It is a labour-oriented process and the work is given on contract basis. It is a seasonal business with working of around 6 months in full swing. Like any other commodity business, the profit margins are low but volumes are high.
dc.description.sponsorshipGovernment of India, Ministry of Food Processing and Industriesen_US
dc.publisherEntrepreneurship Development Institute of Indiaen_US
dc.titleHulled Sesame Seedsen_US
Appears in Collections:Ministry of Food Processing Industries

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