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dc.contributor.authorEntrepreneurship Development Institute of India
dc.description.abstractBetel nuts are consumed in large quantities across the country. It is a typical Indian habit and they are eaten by many purely as an addiction whereas some consume it assuming that it helps the digestive system. Apart from this segment, there is a very large market of pan shops literally scattered across the length and breadth of the country. Since last few years, many varieties of betel nuts and other after mints and mouth fresheners are introduced in the market. Consumption of plain betel nuts is being replaced by flavoured varieties of betel nuts and many pan shops also use it while making special pans. It is a working capital oriented activity requiring adequate funds.
dc.description.sponsorshipGovernment of India, Ministry of Food Processing
dc.publisherEntrepreneurship Development Institute of Indiaen_US
dc.subjectProject Profilesen_US
dc.titleBetel Nutsen_US
Appears in Collections:Ministry of Food Processing Industries

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