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dc.contributor.authorChande, Sunanda
dc.contributor.authorPradhan, Kamini
dc.description.abstractThe post liberalization industrial and economic scenario in India demands a more imperative and dynamic approach to facilitate and promote entrepreneurship in the country on a larger scale. This would help not only in tackling the problem of unemployment but also in creating self employment among the youth in the growth of new entrepreneurs. Women empowerment is an essential component for human resource development.Women in advance nations are recognized and are more prominent in the business world. In India, however the entrepreneurial world is still a male dominant one. The emergence of entrepreneurs in society depends to a large extent on the economic, religious, cultural and psychological factors prevalent. According to Frank H. Knight and Peter Ducker “entrepreneurship is about taking risk”. Entrepreneurship is the act and the art of being an entrepreneur or “one who undertakes innovation, finance and business in an effort to transform innovation into economic goods. This paper examines whether the introduction of entrepreneurship education based on concepts of experiential learning in the University curriculum has had any positive effects on changing the perception towards entrepreneurship and to understand this there is a need to study the perception and practice of Home science graduates on taking up entrepreneurship activities. This study will focus on participation of Home science graduates in entrepreneurship activities. The research will throw light on the factors influencing the Home science graduates in accepting entrepreneurship as an important alternative profession.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCentre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development (CREED)en_US
dc.publisherBookwell Delhien_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTenth Biennial Conference;S.No.120
dc.subject.otherEntrepreneurial Activities
dc.subject.otherHome Science Graduates
dc.titlePerception and Practice of Home-Science Graduates on Taking up EntrepreneurshipActivitiesen_US
Appears in Collections:Hues and Arrays of Entrepreneurship - Education Entrepreneurship

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