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Title: Wire Nail Making Plant
Keywords: Wire Nail
Issue Date: Jan-1987
Publisher: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Abstract: In 1977 approximately 24,000,000 tons of low carbon steel wire rods were put out in the world, of which 1,900,000 tons were consumed in making wire nails. An increasing quantity O'f nails is being consumed year by year, and various kinds of nails are being manufactured for special purposes. Nail makrng does not require highly advanced knowledge or technique, and its making capacity can freely be fixed according to the demand in the locality. The plant can be built at any place without environmental restraint. The day, when a simple and single shape of nails was used, came to an end. Nails are now being used for fastening such things as wood, steel plate, aluminum plate, petrochemical panel, etc., and nails of special shapes and of high grade are being manufactured. The nail making plant can easily be expanded, rationalized, automated or can adopt a labour saving device.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/
Appears in Collections:United Nations Industrial Development Organization

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