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Title: Candle Manufacturing
Keywords: Candle
Issue Date: Jan-1987
Publisher: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Abstract: From ancient times candles have been important as sources of light, and although they were replaced first by kerosene lamps and later by incandescent electric lamps, their use has actually expanded because of their ornamental value. In spite of the technical progress in lighting, the term "candle power" is used as a unit for measuring the brilliance of any given light. Candles were manufactured by moulding a blend of fats and wax around a flax or cotton wick and so are their modern varieties. Machines have replaced manual labour, new wax formulations have been introduced for decorative effects. The first waxes used were mutton tallow and beeswax.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/
Appears in Collections:United Nations Industrial Development Organization

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