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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 308
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-01-15SYLPH Creatives: in Conversation with Kanika Sahijwani, PGDM-E, 2022-24Kanika Sahijwani
2023-09-30Financial Literacy and Gender: A Behavioral Perceptive, Evidence from G20 NationsSrivastava, Vikas Deepak; Srivastava, Prabhu Narayan
2023-09-30The Transformative Effects of AI on Employment: A Regression Analysis of Selected OCED NationsSrivastava, Vikas Deepak; Srivastava, Prabhu Narayan
2023-06-08Understanding Family Business Internationalisation: A Systematic Literature Review with Thematic LensesGupta, Akansha; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2023-09-12Antecedents of Smart Farming Adoption to Mitigate the Digital Divide - Extended Innovation Diffusion ModelDixit, Krishna; Aashish, Kumar; Dwivedi, Amit Kumar
2023-09-12Living with Alternatives: Perceived Crises, Meaninglessness and Efforts for a Meaningful Life in Indian HijrasVerma, Sunil K.; Sharad, Shivantika; Singh, Tushar; Bharti, Pankaj
2023-07-24An Assessment of Challenges Faced by Zari- Zardozi Artisans in Lucknow Region: A Mathematical Analysis.Srivastava, Vikas Deepak; Shrivastava, Prabhu Narayan
2023-06Gravity Model Estimation: OLS Method with Reference to IndiaSrivastava, Vikas Deepak; Srivastava, Prabhu Narayan
2023-07-08Poverty and StigmaBharti, Pankaj
2023-04-12Firm Selection for Government Venture Capital Funding to Youth Tech-based StartupsSharma, Lalit
2022-11-22Impact of Behavioural Attributes and Enterprise-related Capital on Micro-enterprise GrowthAhmad Paray, Zahoor; Sharma, Lalit
2023-02-25Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme: ‘From Local to Vocal’Dixit, Krishna; Sakunia, Debashish
2023-01-06Trade Liberalization and Industry Level Productivity in Indian Iron-Steel and Cement Industries: Evidences from Post-Reform PeriodMangla, Sanjay Kumar
2022-12-22Dynamics of Economic Integration in Asia Pacific: from Multilateralism to Regionalism to BilateralismMangla, Sanjay Kumar; Gupta, Richa; Jain, Nikita; Gupta, Tisha; Vashisht, Sakshi; Ponnamperuma, Sumedha; Katyal, Sonal
2022-09Entrepreneurship Education in New IndiaShukla, Sunil
1970-01Development of Syntactic Ability Among Hindi-Speaking ChildrenShukla, Sunil; Mohanty, Ajit
2022-08-16भारत में उद्यमिता का विकास एक परिवर्तनकारी पहलShukla, Sunil
2022-08-15Developing Entrepreneurship among Disadvantaged Society in Independent IndiaSodhi, Simran; Dwivedi, Amit K
2022-06-21Dynamics of Economic Integration in Asia Pacific: From Multilateralism to Regionalism to BilateralismMangla, Sanjay Kumar; Gupta, Richa; Jain, Nikita
2022-06उद्यमशील भारतDwivedi, Amit Kumar
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 308