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dc.description.abstractBiscuits and Pastries etc. are certain products that are liked almost by everyone. There is a trend among the population in Laos to use packaged ready to eat foods Ifor snack. Children in the cities are frequently consuming biscuits and pastries as snacks in schools in Laos. Biscuits and Pastries are also becoming a very important nutritional diet being supplied by NGOsand VO's in Laosto the rural poor and hencethere is a great demand for the same in the institutional mechanism to eradicate poverty and hunger both for the quality that it provides and for the convenience of distribution. The liking for biscuits and such bakery products is increasing day-byday as a ready-to-eat food or snacks. Although, in this field there are certain big companies, the products of which are quite popular through their extensive advertising and wide distributor network, yet in a certain context, we would see that the bakery products of the local producers might prove more profitable, as there are 'customers who prefer freshness of these products to those sold as packaged. Hence, there are high chances of this unit being a success if locally established but; keeping purity and quality of these products on utmost priority. The equipment and' machinery for this project can be used for making variety of bakery items including; cakes, pastries, doughnuts etc. However for the purposed -of this profile, we will' ;concentrateon making biscuits only.en_US
dc.publisherEntrepreneurship Development Institute of Indiaen_US
dc.titleProduction of bakery products (Biscuits)en_US
Appears in Collections:Project Profiles in Laos

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