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dc.description.abstractBakery unit is an important part of the food processing industry. This unit ! produces nutritious snacks and food items for the people of big cities and towns. Bread, being available at low prices and considerable quantittes, is used and liked ,by every family. It is a convenience food for urban families. There is also a large iinstitutional demand especially from restaurants and hotels. In Laos, the demand for bread is fuelled by the Tourism industry, where the western tourist demands bread as a breakfast meal. Its marketing is done through general stores, protein houses, bakery shops etc. Nowadays, different kinds of breads are popular in market like sandwich bread, sweet bread, brown bread etc. hence ingredients: iProportions and applied formula for it would also vary from area to area. In small , towns and village in Laos due to a very high inflow of tourists and expatriates" 'there is a tremendous market for bakery products. Breads are also sold at j hospitals & through Women and Child care programme etc.en_US
dc.publisherEntrepreneurship Development Institute of Indiaen_US
dc.titleBread Production Uniten_US
Appears in Collections:Project Profiles in Laos

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