As per data in 2017, only 2% of the total startup funding went to women founders. If we
look at the top 10 fund raises of 2017, the overall value is $8.5 Billion while for womenled enterprise it is $136 million. Funding is one of the key forces to create enterprise or
to grow the existing enterprise. For women entrepreneur, it’s a huge task to get loans
from banks operating in India.
The present paper endeavours to study the various loan scheme criteria’s and features
offered by Banks in India to Women Entrepreneurs. Also presenting an analysis of the
loan amount granted and number of loan accounts of Women Entrepreneurs for
business purposes in Gujarat. By studying different loans schemes offered by different
banks, we concluded that it is easy to avail loans under these schemes for new women
entrepreneurs or for grow up existing business. Analysing the data of banks of last three
years shows that there is higher growth in the amount of loans granted to women
compared to the overall advances given by banks operating in Gujarat.
Fourteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship/ Edited by Rajeev Sharma, Sunil Shukla, Amit Kumar Dwivedi & Ganapathi Batthini