Biotechnopreneurship is based upon the integration of two distinctly different disciplines—science and
business and all the activities necessary to build an enterprise. Biotechnology enterprise creates, develops and
ultimately commercializes a product only through integration of science and business disciplines.
Biotechnology enterprises have created some of the most amazing life-saving drugs, medical devices, advanced
fuels, and efficient crops. Biotechnopreneurship is a complex phenomenon with several intricacies which needs
thorough research to identify conditions which are prevalent and can determine the successful development of
enterprises at both national and regional level. A certain part of the research should focus on specific
characteristics and profiles of bio-entrepreneurs who are the key players in the process of development. The
two major areas capturing the attention of the world for intensive commercialisation are Industrial
biotechnology and Medical biotechnology. There is large scope and need for entrepreneurs in this sector who
can contribute remarkably to the people and society at large. This paper peaks into the topic to show the need
of entrepreneurs in Biotechnology field, challenges faced in the sector and how it has the potential to bring
about economic development.
Thirteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship/ Edited by Sasi Misra, Sunil Shukla, Ganapathi Batthini