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  • Unknown author (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1979-01)
    Gari, a dried cassava product, is an important carbohydrate food consumed in particular in West and Centrel Africa. The production process described in this profile involves washing and peeling the tubers, which are ...
  • Unknown author (Divya Bhaskar, 2016-07-10)
    Newspaper Clippings appeared in "Divya Bhaskar" dated July 10,2016 on page no.1 of City Bhaskar.
  • Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, 2005-01)
    Garlic is being used in the Indian culinary since hundreds of years as a condiment. It helps in absorption and digestion of food, has anthelmintic and antiseptic properties and is thus used in several medicinal preparations ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Garlic is used as a condiment in various food preparations and also serves as a carminative and gastric stimulant in a number of medicinal preparations. As a condiment, it is used for flavouring tomato ketchup, sauce, ...
  • Unknown author (2020)
  • Unknown author (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, 2016-01-23)
    Leather garments are mainly used in cold places and they have great demand in western countries, where the winter is very severe. Most of the foreign countries has low temperature and high humidity. Therefore, using the ...
  • DCMSME (Development Commissioner Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) (DCMSME (Development Commissioner Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises), 2019)
  • Devbhoomi Udyamita Yojana; Devbhoomi Udhyamita Yojana (EDII (Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India) / DUY (Devbhoomi Udyamita Yojana, 2024)
  • Unknown author (2020-05-11)
  • Unknown author (iNDEXTb, 2016-01-24)
    Lack of adequate basic petrochemicals such as ethylene, propylene, methanol, etc. is restricting the growth of downstream petrochemical industries in the Asian and western Europe regions.
  • Patel, J B (EDII, 2019-06)
  • Unknown author (2020-09-02)
  • EDII (EDII, 2018)
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    Product and its uses Gas lighters are used for lighting gas burners. It consists of two levers on which the flints and serrated pieces are fixed. When a trigger pulled, the levers, which are in a pretensioned position, ...
  • Gujarat, Cottage Industries (Niyamak, Gujarat Cottage Industries, 1990-10)
  • Unknown author (2020-05-11)
  • Unknown author (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1987-01)
    Low Pressure Gas Welding Machine which is widely distributed and used in South-eastem Asia including Japan and Korea, is called variable pressure type welding machine or French Type Welding Machine.
  • Unknown author (Small Industries Service Institute, 1992-11)