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Browsing by Subject "Ecopreneurship"

Browsing by Subject "Ecopreneurship"

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  • Patel, Suryakant; Bhanushali, Kishor (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    Large population of India is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. But Indian agriculture is low productive are with large number of disguised unemployed. Present paper is an attempt to highlight the importance ...
  • Sivakumar, A (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    The concept of civic agriculture is the antithesis of conventional and corporate agriculture. It emphasizes on local environmentally sustainable food system and a local market which facilitates direct interaction with ...
  • Pandey, Nisha; Sharma, Deepti (Bookwell Delhi, 2015-02-18)
    Thisstudy exploresthe dynamics of the plastic waste recycling industry at Dharavi, Mumbai. Despite being of immense economic importance, this sectoris yet to be investigated in thorough detail.Dharavi is a thriving hub of ...
  • Subbarao, P Srinivas; Rani, P Suseela (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2011-02-16)
    On the eve of the Digital and knowledge era, we should create an environment where e-Entrepreneurship flourishes. E-Entrepreneurs can be as small as a single individual having a single Computer connected to the Internet. ...
  • Pal, Arun (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    Rapid growth of industrialisation within the country is creating lot of demand on natural environmental resources, as our resources are limited only strategic uses of these resources can sustain our livelihood. Environmental ...
  • Kumari, Archana (Bookwell Delhi, 2015-02-18)
    Awareness about the issues related to inclusive energy and environmental externalities in the energy sector, has produced a positive response from entrepreneurs across the country, especially in the energy-starved state ...
  • Ali, Mohd Mujahid (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2009-03-19)
    The mother earth had been getting polluted since time immemorial but it had been so rampant since the onset of industrial revolution. The ecosystem is so complex and intricate phenomenon, it could have lasted in a better ...
  • Nagar, Ranita; Thakkar, Hitesh; Sapre, Srirang Sanjay; Vyas, Udit Nikhil (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2011-02-16)
    Entrepreneurship is acknowledged to be the engine of economic growth. Theoretically, a Factor of Production is of probably the paramount importance is establishing effective co-ordination among the other factors to achieve ...
  • Maiti, Sajalkumar (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    Entrepreneurial Marketing is a new concept. It needs both entrepreneurial skills as well as marketing skills for success of any venture. This concept needs a marketer to be innovative, risk-taking and proactive in performing ...
  • Mittal, Ramesh (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    This paper explores fundamental issues that deserve attention from scholars interested in Agripreneurship. First, several theoretical issues and frameworks useful to further development of Agripreneurship are explored. ...
  • Sunder, Shyam; Shandilya, Utkarsh C.; Kumar, Vikas (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2009-03-19)
    Small and medium scale enterprises play a crucial role in the economic development of any country. The innovation of new products, employment to masses, inputs to the larger organizations, all come through these enterprises ...
  • Pastakia, Astad (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Business entrepreneurs contribute to socio-economic development and change through their commercial enterprises. Enterprising individuals? Who have sought to change society or address social issues through an organized ...
  • Pastakia, Astad; Joshi, Niraj (Bookwell Delhi, 2013-02-20)
    Individuals or institutions that attempt to popularize eco-friendly ideas and innovations either through the market or non-market routes are referred to as ecopreneurs (Pastakia, 1998). Ecopreneurs have shown how sustainable ...
  • Ramanathan, S (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
  • Desai, Dinesh; Singh, Gurpreet; Maheshwari, Ankur (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    India is the largest producer of various commodities like milk vegetables, fruits, tea, pulses, butter, cereals, and meat. India ranks first in the production of fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately it has also highest ...
  • Dutta, Soumyendra Kishore; Chaudhuri, Rimu (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    The recent trend of liberalization and technological automation has unquestionably led to shrinking employment opportunities and changes in job orientation. Added to this has been a lack of co-ordination in skill formation ...
  • Gangal, Ankur (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2009-02-19)
    Macro environment of business consists of six elements - Economic, Political/Legal, Socio-Cultural, Demographic, Technological and Global environment. However, due to the growing significance of climate change as a ...
  • Iyer, Vijayan Gurumurthy (Bookwell Delhi, 2015-02-18)
    Sustainable entrepreneurship (SE) is a kind of an entrepreneurship that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability, efficiency and values of future generations to meet their own needs. The specific ...
  • Misra Sasi; Shukla Sunil; Batthini Ganapathi (BookWell Delhi, 2017-02-22)
  • Wijayawardana, K H R (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    Over the past few decades, tourism has become an outstanding source of foreign exchange in Sri Lanka. Opening up of new tourism markets in Asia made the tourism industry a highly competitive within the region. Recently, ...