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Browsing 08 Project Profiles by Title

Browsing 08 Project Profiles by Title

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  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-16)
    Bakery has been a traditonal activity globally. In India also this has been a conventional economic activity. Bread & biscuits contribute more than 70% of the total bakery products. Over a period of time, age ld bakeries ...
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-17)
    Water meter is an important instrument which is used for measuring the flow of water. There are two type of water meter type of water meter used in the market (i) Semi positive type and (ii) Inferential type. Water meters are ...
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-16)
    Wax coated papers are widely employed as wrapping material for a number of products such as bread, biscuits, butter, cigarettes, bidis etc. Wax paper is also used for water proofing of tools and bits and several other ...
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-18)
    Wheel Barrows are used for carrying building materials in the road construction activities for carrying the material from one place to another place. These are hand driven and refuce fatique in handling the material and ...
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-18)
    Wick stove is a very common household item. It is very simple and convenient to operate therefore preferred over the use of pressure stove. To avoid crude form of firing in conventional Chulahs and other mode these ...
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-17)
    Wind cheater is a special type of Garment used as outerwear.This is usually made from Nylon/Polyester Synthetic Fabric. It is very useful for the two wheeler riders in order toget protection from chilly wind and dust. ...
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-18)
    Wooden crates are basically wooden boxes which are widely used for packaging purposes for glass bottles, PETR bottles cold drink bottles etc. These are also used to protect heavy machinery while transporting.
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-18)
    Wooden crates are basiscally wooden boxes which are widely usd for packaging purposes for glass bottles, PETR bottles cold drink bottles etc. These are also used to protect heavy machinery while transporting.
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-18)
    Items like Almirah Wardrobe, table chairs stools and cots made out of wooden material falls under the category of wooden furniture. These are widely used in houses / Office and commercial establishments. These are made ...
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-18)
    The product is widely used in forming shapes of the item in casting Shoe making and making of bricks. The wooden patterns are made as per the design and specifications of the user in Industries.
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-18)
    Variety of wooden toys and decorative pieces can be made as carved out of wood. Indian toys made on sandal, teak and rose wood have wide markets globally. White cheap wood is ued for manufcture of toys, high qualify wood ...
  • Unknown author (Khadi and Village Industries Commission, 2016-01-18)
    Wrought iron articles in furniture industry are becoming more popular.The articles like chairs, sofas,tables and beds are made in quite attractive models with different designs on their arms and backs.Wooden furniture ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    ]f. Products and its uses Projectors are used in the cinema, industry, schools colleges and domestic purpose for projection ~f films for entertainment and educational purposes. Overhead projectors are used as training aids ...
  • Unknown author (1986)
  • Unknown author (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1979-01)
    Propylene glycol plants are conventionally linked with partially captive propylene oxide. The hydrolysis takes place in two serially connected stirred reactors, operated under pressure. The molar ratio of water to propylene ...
  • Unknown author (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1979-01)
    In this process the hydroperoxide intermediate is used to add an oxygen atom to the propylene. The hydroperoxide itself is made simply by direct oxidation of ethylbenzene with air. The reactors operate at about 3 bar ...
  • Unknown author (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1979-01)
    This description is for a chlorohydrin plant integrated with a caustic/ chlorine plant. Propylene chlorine and water are introduced into a reactor tower, which operates at slightly below atmospheric pressure and at a ...
  • Unknown author (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1979-01)
    Propylene oxide is produced by a two-step process in which isobutane is oxidised using oxygen to tert-butyl hydroperoxide (THP' and the latter is used to oxidise propylene to propylene oxide. Isobutane and oxygen are ...
  • Unknown author (Small Industries Development Organization, 2003-03-15)
    Baking industry occupies an important position among Indian food processing industries with an annual turnover of about Rs. 3000 crores. The spurt in the production of bakery products could be attributed to their advantages ...

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