This research study centers on the challenges faced by zari-zardozi artisans in Lucknow, region known for its exotic
handmade craftsmanship industry. The focus of this study is to ascertain the difficulties experienced by these artisans
working in this traditional handicraft industry in chosen research area and put forward necessary suggestions and
recommendations for policy responses for revival of hard hit and waning of this significant local industry based on
exclusive age’s long indigenous art and culture and help to restore its due recognition at global level. To facilitate this, a
Bayesian likelihood regression model is approached to investigate the information gathered from a sample respondents
of zari- zardozi artisans in research area. The model shows different factors like the age of the craftsman, their level of
schooling, long periods of work involvement, and the market closeness for their handicraft items. The statistical findings
of this study show that the artisans engaged in this profession face various difficulties, including restricted market
access, competition from machine-made items, fluctuating low quality of raw materials, hiking manufacturing costs, and
absence of knowledge about new market patterns. These difficulties render the jobs of the artisans and the sustenance of
their family more vulnerable during post covid hit global economic condition. To establish statistical association among
variables under study, Python and Stata 15 statistical tools have been used.
Dizhen Dizhi Journal, ISSN:0253-4967, Volume 15, Issue 07, July/2023, 95-104p.