The major objectives of this Paper are: To clarify and signify the world-wide emergence and popularity of a progressive formof entrepreneurship, i.e. Social Entrepreneurship(SE), to identify some important illustrations of SE, in general, and to highlight one case study, viz. Sarvajal Project in rural India, in particular. After a brief academic discussion on the concept, popularity and illustrations of SE, a focus is placed on Sarvajal operations initiated by Piramal Healthcare company since 2008., where its significant dimensions like History, Impact/Scope, Business Model,Process /Technology, Water ATM, Benefits to poor, Achievements and Team behind the success are presented. Sarvajal provides clean,pure and safe water at very affordable price to the people in rural and slum areas in Rajasthan,Gujarat, MP, Haryana, etc. since last four years, as a social enterprise.