The biogas technology is attributed with dual benefits in the form of supply of clean and high
calorific fuel to meet the domestic fuel needs of rural areas and provision of anaerobicaly digested
slurry with high manurial value. In addition to this, it is known to reduce the pathogenic load of night
soil at a Substantial level when toilets are attached to the biogas plants. Hence, it is an eco-friendly
technology helping to reduce the destruction of forests by offering a fuel alternative to wood at the
doorstep of the house and accuring a social benefit in way of alleviation of the drudgery of women in
collection of firewood and cooking. It is also an environmentally sound technology as it provides a safe
method for disposal of organic waste preventing spread of diseases and controlling pollution.
Considering all these attributes together, the nutrient recovery through anaerobic digestion in biogas
plant represents a more economic and efficient option in obtaining good quality manure for our farming