National Small Industries Corporation: Recent submissions

  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    These mats are made out of thunga which is available in tribal and ruralareas. It has a wildgrowth particularly in tanks and other marshy areas. The Raw material is very cheap.Only the difficulty is that it has to be ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Leaf cups and plates are traditionally made by hand in Indian villages. These are commonly used for serving food at marriages, religions and social functions. The laborious craft can now be converted into a machine operation ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Natural honey has been one of the man's earliest foods. Honey is mainly produced from flowers and plants that require insect pollination by honey bee (Apis mellifera). This is produced in almost every part of the world ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    The best known primary products of beekeeping are honey and wax. The products are consumed in the state . Treditionally honey is considered the major beekeeping product. Wax has played a considerable role in only a few ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Bee keeping is practised on specific lines and heavily extracted with art billing bees and gubs are destroying thew combs.Bees are accomidated in artificial leaves where they live comfortably with in easy reach of the ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    The herbal coils are used to repel mosquitoes
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    It is a water dispersible emulsion, based on natural essential oils, cleaning, disinfection an deodorisation of kitchen, toilet, living room, office, hospitals, etc.
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Manufacturing of Herbal and Ayuvedic products is simple and also good market demandfor these products. Accordning to the WHO as muych as 80% of the world's population relies traditional medicine. With increased concerns about ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    The hand paper industry is one of the important industries under the village industries sector. The industry has over 2,970 units producing over Rs.54.57 crore worth of paper and paper products, providing direct employment ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Gum is a minor forest produce, collected by GCC through tribals. The material is auctioned by GCC and procured by processors. The usage of gum is almost essential in every school, college and office. It is one of the ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Production of edible cashew nuts, separation of nuts from outer shell is normally a drudgerous operation and also a health hazard due to spilling of corrosive shell liquid.
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Cashenut nutshell liquid is a versatile byproduct of the cashew industry. The oil is obtained from the spongy layer (pericarp) between the inner and outer shell of cashew nuts. It is extensively used in the manufacture ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Brooms are used for floor cleaning, dust removing etc. Brooms are generally grown in forest areas. On harvesting, they are cut into required size on a cutter and made them a suitable bundle using plastic packing machine. ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Beedi is the cheapest pleasure for rural smokers. Beedis are rolled from a forest leaf known as "DIOS-PYRUS ME LOMOXYLAN" which is abundantly available in tropical/sub-tropical climatic forests scattered in Andhra Pradesh, ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Bamboo articles are made out of resource based raw material in the district. Major application of bamboo products are bamboo baskets, bamboo partitions, candy sticks etc. Chandrikas, Trays requried for sericutlure industry ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Tomato sauce and ketchup are commonly consumed commodities in every household. It is liked by one and all because of its sweet sour taste. Tomato sauce is bottled in 500 ml capacity.
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    A number of tomato products e.g. ketchup, juice, puree, paste, sauce, pickles are available in the market. These are items of common use in households, hotels, restaurants, institutions. Tomato puree is used as a substitute ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    India imports edible oil to partly meet the domestic demand. The need for alternate sources of edible oil is always felt. The oil present in rice bran to the extent of 15-20% is a promising source. More than 5 million ...
  • Spice Oil 
    Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Ginger oil is used largely as a flavouring agent in various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. It is also used in confectionery, bakery, perfumery. It is occasionally mixed with ginger oleoresin to restore an ideal ...
  • Unknown author (National Small Industries Corporation, 2016-01-18)
    Soya sauce acts as a taste and flavour enhancer in many western and Chinese dishes and meat products

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