Worldwide proliferation of Entrepreneurship Education (EE) has inspired reexamination of the mass education framework, which constitutes the backbone of industrial society but is rigid & non-entrepreneurial. In the past two decades such appraisal at various levels, including government-to-global and individual-to-community level, has
assisted the spread of EE in formal education also. Even the shift in attention towards ‘learning for’ as opposed to ‘learning about’ entrepreneurship reshaped EE research to interlace in the roots of sociology, history and philosophy of science. Furthermore, efforts to extend EE beyond the disciplines of economics & psychology and its extrapolation beyond the ‘scientistic’ and individualistic framework are also academically discussed. Thus discussing, defining and understanding EE from a balanced scholarship of pedagogy & andragogy is pertinent. To percolate EE at each
strata of education, even in informal & non-formal education, such quests must invite academic interest. On such background, using core educational research on pedagogy and andragogy, this paper delves into those EE related avenues as shall emphasize teachability dilemmas associated with EE and implications therein. EE related academic inputs shall be used to frame this paper with an aim to understand application of dimensions of educational research i.e. pedagogy and andragogy.