Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries: Recent submissions

  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses Machine screws is an item of fasteners used to join two or more parts of metal or other such hard materials. They have a cylindrical bod) with uniform 'V' threads all along the length and a ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses Bicycle frame lugs are used to connect the important frame tubes namely seat tube, down tube and the top tube. One set of lugs consists of three pieces. (Reserved list Sr. No. 713). U. Market ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses The Luggage Carriers are fabricated from pipes and are fixed on the top of automobile cars to carry personal luggage. U. Market Potential Most of the Car owners fix the luggage carriers to ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Production and its uses Low speed gears are used mostly in material handling equipment such as concrete mixer mechanical winch and also in agricultural processing machines such as threshers, cultivaters etc. For ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product & its use Bicycle lock Nuts & Rings are used to hold the handle bar of the bicycle in position. They also keep the lamp bracket and handle bar in locked position. The lock nut and ring are generally made ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product And its uses Apparatus for liquid level controllers falls into the following main classes: (1) Mechanical, (2) Pneumatic, (3) Electrical, (4) Electronics, and (5) Nuclosonic. The simplest example of the ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses Cooking ranges using liquefied Petroleum Gas as fuel have a very wide use. Usually the top of a cooking range consists of 4 burne~s individually controlled by Gas taps. A grill mounted below ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses Leveller is an agricultural implement used for shaping and levelling of land. This is also used for making large bunds/and terraces. It work by cutting the soil collecting the same and depositing it ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses .The item ~sused for lighting the roads, streets, railway station platforms etc. In the olden days, t!Iis item was. made 'of cast iron consisting of a pillar usually III a decorative desizn ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses Lamp holder as the name implies hold electrical bulb and at the same time connects the bulb circuit to terminals of electrical mains. For fixing of bulb on the body of holders, slots are provided ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product & its uses The proposed product is Bicycle Lamp Bracket. It is manufactured out of Mild Steel strip of 2.5 to 3 rom thickness and 42 mm width. It is used to hold the lamp in position on the Bicycle. II. ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses . Agr~cu1turesector plays a very dominant role ill Indian Economy, since about 70% of its population directly depends upon the sector. Kudali is extensively used in fields, gardens, orchar~s . ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    • Product and its uses These blades to be made from High carbon steel! sheets and strips are used for variety of jobs like cotton ginning, tea cutting, bamboo cutting & Leather cutting work etc. Reserved list item 0.: ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product aud its uses This is a single bed small ize Gat knitting machine which has greatly mechanised the hand knitting work. It has eased cumbersome hand knitting work and is increasingly being used a a hou ehold ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses King pins arc used in the automobile steering . ystem. The shackle pins are used in the rear leaf prings in the automobile to hold the spring assembly on the chassis. Both these items arc ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its use The kick of a scooter is an important compoaent. It is bolted to a shaft called 'Kick shaft' through which the engine of the scooter is started. Every time the scooter is started, the kick is ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its use A sizeable amount of the food grains produced in our country are destroyed by pests and diseases of crops. Hence, protection of the plants which is necessary, is done by spraying insecticide and ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    . Product and its uses The manually operated duster is used for dusting the field crops, fruit trees, plantation etc. with insecticides and pesticides in dry powder form. They are operated manually." It consists of ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses Hydraulic jack is a device used invariably in the lifting of heavy machinery and equipment. ith the industrial development taking place rapidly, the use of hydraulic Jacks of different capaciti ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its use Hurricane lantern is ao improved design at lantern which has got device for controlling flame as well as for quick opening of the glass chimney. It has become ao indispensible item of domestic ...

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