Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries: Recent submissions

  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    A. Revolution Counters (Machanically operated) is a small device which essentially forms a part in machine tools and industrial machinery as a counting device for counting of pacts or pieces of items produced by the ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    Automobile industry has made tremendous progre and two wheelers are the common man's transport in cities. Therefore, there is a huge market for Auto rear view mirror. This item is essential for all the vehicles to see ...
  • Razors 
    Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    The razors are used mainly by barbers for shaving. Although in general, middle class and lower middle class people are using safety razors, in rural areas some people are still using barber razors for shaving ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    The platform drinking water trolleys are a very common sight on Railway Stations. They are fabricated steel structures te carry earthen pots filled with water on platforms etc. for distribution of water to thirsty ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses The racks are made of steel sheets & angle iron. Shelves are provided to permit storing of articles. These racks are used in offices and business establishment of various purposes, The racks ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses The pullers are commonly known as pulley pullers, gear pullers or bearing pullers. The pullers are used for removing pulleys, fiy wheels, bearings or other discs from the shafts without injuring ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    ]f. Products and its uses Projectors are used in the cinema, industry, schools colleges and domestic purpose for projection ~f films for entertainment and educational purposes. Overhead projectors are used as training aids ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    PRISMATIC COMPASS I. Product and its uses Prismatic compass is il surveying instrument used for finding direction angle in survey work. There are many sizes and types of this equipment in use by surveying and Mining ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I, Product and its uses Under the class of heating appliances us d for Domestic purposes and in hotels, the ammon Kerosene Pressure Stove is still largely used by middle class people in small towns and cities. This ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Products and their .ses The name Poultry Equipments indicates that there are various equipments required for poultry Industry. Some of the equipments are:- 1. Poultry Incubators. 2. Poultry Brooders, 3. Poultry: ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its use Postal weighing machines are a type of beam scales most commonly used for weighing small postal items like covers and small packets weighing not more than 1 Kg. This type of postal weighing scale ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses Plough and plough Shear are the primary tillage implements used for mechanical manipulation of soil and is drawn by animals. Peasants and farmers are very much dependent on these implements. ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses It is one of the survey's instrument used by Civil Engineers, Mining Engineers. Generally different types of plane table equipment are made of teak wood, portal wood, brass and aluminium ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses Planemeter is a mathematical instrument for measuring the area of any plane figure to a high degree of accuracy. n. Market Potential Due to the rapid growth of activities for measuring various ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its nses Pilfer proof caps are used by distilleries, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics manufacturers, etc. After the bottles are filled with the above products, P.P. caps are fixed on the bottles so ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and Us uses Picker shaft is one of the mo t important part of the Loom. Picker shaft with the help of picking stick moves the "Shuttle with thread" from one side to another side to weave the cloth. Picker ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its U3CS The scheme envisages manufacture of Photo Enlargers, which are used in enlarging photos. These equipments are used by photo studio and other commercial art establishments. The equipment consists ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    I. Product and its uses Persian Wheels are mainly used for lifting water out of wells, ponds, nullahs etc. for the purpose of farm irrigation. It is an arrangement of geared mechanism with some number of steel buckets ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    M. E. Industries 187 I. Product & its uses Pen holders are commonly used for writing by fixing a nib on to the metal insert of the pen holders. This scheme deals with the manufacture of general type of pen holders ...
  • Unknown author (Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, 1988-08)
    L Product and its uses The pedals in a bicycle help, to drive it. They are used in pairs. One pedal is fitted on left side crank while the other on the rihgt side crank. ' The pedal assembly consist of the following main ...

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