L Product and its uses
Nail cutters are used tot cutting ful~t trails
and trimming them. The nail cutters are made
of carbon steel and have two arms rivetted at
one end and have cutting edges on the other
end. When the arms having cutting edges are
pressed against the nail to be cut, with the help
of lever the cutting edges shear the nail. (Reserved
List Sr. No. 465).
II. Market Potential
A nail cutter is the proper tool to be used for
cutting nails. Sale of these cutters will pick: up
as the people come to know the safer method
of cutting nails in due course of time. There ~
a ready market for a quality product
III. Production Target
It is proposed to manufacture 300 gross of
nail cutters per month in this unit.
IV. Production Details aDd Process of Manufacture
Medium carbon steel strips of required width
ate' taken and are fed to the power press and
cut to sizes and shapes. The other press operations
are also carried on in the other presses.
The holes for rivetting are punched with the
help of press, then the components are heattreated
and electroplated. Radium and cutting
edges are ground with proper form grinding
wheel with the help of fixture on double-ended
grinder. Then the different components are'
assembled and despatched after testing.