dc.description.abstract |
I:' Pi'otIWd' aiul its uses
,'The lock is a device which is used on the
doors; safes, almirahs, trunks etc., for the security.
The lock which is having a shackle and
is used in Aldrops or simple arrangement for
• qlQing the shackle of lock, is called pad lock.
Pad lock may be divided ii1 two types (i) Hand
made, (ii J Machine or press made. The different
-components of locks are manufactured by hand
oc by casting or by press etc., and, then they
are' assem'bled. The various types' of pad locks
are called as G.r. psd locks, navtaf type, klick
type, numbering: type etc. .
n. Market PotetitiaJ'
Pad Locks ate' used in' the' 'Houses, "Banks,
offices- Ilm1' foc' Iodting,' bQltes,' etc., for: safety
p'U.t1508e~. The dem-and of this .product is. increasing
day by d~y as ,~ houses" offices,
banks are coming up and due to general awareness
of security. |
en_US |