I. Product and its uses
Seat cushions are used on chairs and sofas
1ll the houses and for car and bus seat. These
cushions provide comfort for sitting and are
very popular in these days. Most of the houses
in urban areas, people are preferring cushioned
furniture only.
II. Market Potential
With the rising standard of living and increase
in the income levels, the people are now very
much inclined to have better comforts in their
houses, rest houses, transport system etc. The
furniture and seats fitted with cushions will
provide better comfort as such cushions are
extensively used in hotels, restaurants, waiting
rooms of railway stations, air port lounges, cars,
and residential houses etc. With all the above
developments the demand for seat cushions is
increasing day by day. Apart from the market
originating due to the development in the field
where this product finds application there IS
good replacement market for this item also.
Hence, good market potential is expected for
this item in future too.