I. Product and its uses
Steel Cupboards are used for keeping important
documents, clothes and other articles.
These are in very common use in Government
departments, private companies and also in
houses now-a-days. These cupboards are manufactured
in various designs and sizes according
to the requirements of the customers.
II. Market Potential
The demand for this item is increasing day
by day due to rise in the living standard of the
people. The demand for such cupboards is
now not limited to cities only but getting
popularity in villages also. Due to the expansion
or Govr .and Semi-Govt. Departments, the
demand for Cupboards is increasing for keeping
important documents in safe custody. There
is also increasing demand by the industrial and
business firms due to the fast development in
these sectors. These also can be marketed
through DGS&D and C.S.P.O. to the Government
departments.' These are also marketed in
retail shops of different localities.