I. Product and its uses
1. Engineers' Level-Engineers' level is an
instrument, used for determining the height
differences between neighbouring points ~or
readings with a horizontal line of sight on
graduated staves held vertically at the two
points one for which the height is known and
the other for which it is to be determined ..
Engineers' level is used to detern;tine the
height of points on earth's surface, that IS elevation
or depression and to range distance from
one point to the other by stadia measurements.
2. Ghat Tracer (Ghat & Road Tracer)-
Ghat tracer is used for measuring slopes in hilly
areas and is commonly known as Ghat: Road
3. Optical Square-Optical ~quare is. a surveying
instrument used for quickly setting ou
line at right angle to another. It essentially,
consists of a pair of plain mirrors mounted. at
an angle to each other or a pentagonal pnsm
in a mount.