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Browsing Innovation and Leadership Dimensions of Entrepreneurship by Title

Browsing Innovation and Leadership Dimensions of Entrepreneurship by Title

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  • Unknown author (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03)
    In the new Millennium, things look extraordinarily bright as well as dull for organizations in India. In this intensely competitive era, leveraging and gaining Enterprise competitiveness has become critical. A majority of ...
  • Karve, Shailaja; Gandhe, Sukhada (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    : In global scenario MBA education has become the norm. Many young individuals pursue a career in management and may possess entrepreneurial / intrapreneurial aptitude. The author in the present study explored the possibility ...
  • Mishra, Pravesh Kumar; Panda, Minati (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    The authors have made an attempt to represent the realities of small and medium Enterprises in India with a focus on innovations of entrepreneurship in the light of a Regional Workshop on Globalization and Economic Reforms ...
  • Mori, Haribhai R; Bilgi, Meena (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    The paper describes innovative water harvesting projects undertaken by an Non-Government Organization; Ambuja Cement Foundation (ACF) based in coastal, saline and drought prone as well as highly castes and class ridden ...
  • Loeckenhoff, Hellmut (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    India's economy is driven by excellent entrepreneurship and fast developing enterprises. After a successful start-up entrepreneurs need to transfer rapid initial growth into long term sustainable evolvement. Also concerning ...
  • Tatpuje, Dipak U (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    Present and traditional system of technical education has limitations to create interest among the youths. Restructuring of formal technological education systems with the use of technological teaching aids, at all levels, ...
  • Bhatt, Jagat K; Savalia, Jignasa R (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    The word innovation comes from the Latin word "Innovate" which means to "make new". Innovations involve new methods of doing things and are associated with risks, failure, new ways of management thinking and unlearning of ...
  • Lolla, Shridhar (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2007-03-21)
    Global phenomena like liberalization, deregulation and internet have empowered individuals not only to make significant contribution to economic growth but also be the major beneficiaries of one’s contribution. What has ...

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