The textile and apparel segment dominating the retail sector of India with a
contribution output of 39% draws attention to bid whether the growth rate being enjoyed by this
sector currently is sustainable or not. Sustainable growth rate model can provide an excellent
structure to describe the growth path of retail businesses. The current paper first describes in
detail the textile and apparel segment of the Indian retail sector followed with the meaning and
utility of sustainable growth rate (SGR). The third section of the paper reviews the growth rate in
retail sector at global and Indian level. The last section analyses SGR of selected companies of
apparel segment of retail sector in India for the duration of last five years from 2006 to 2010
followed with the discussion of analysis and conclusion indicating that for the firms to maintain
an orderly growth, they have to work on keeping a consistent level in profit margins, asset
turnover, leverage, and retained earnings. Only then they can manage to grow their sales at the
rate of SGR