Laos has a great potential in food processing industry. This is because of the
,agriculture pattern and the variety of crops in the country supported by good:
;climatic conditions and natural irrigation. One of the potentially most profitable,
'mdustrtes in Laos is the food processing industry. In the country, the annual i
growth of fruits and vegetables production is around 16%. This fact is the very I
indication of the tremendous potential in this field. Wafers and similar snack food:
industry in Laos has been growing at a very fast pace. There are host of fried
.products sold in Laos but most of them are imported from China, Thailand or i
lVietnam. Wafers are commonly used as snacks in hotels, homes and families. It,
'has been commonly noted that potato wafers, banana wafers, fried rice and!
wheat wafers, cassava wafers; all in various flavours are becoming the latest;
craze among the children and the youth. Even the older groups are now;
consuming these products mainly for their taste and convenience. While using this;
'profile any type of wafer can be produced, but for simplicity's sake details of
potato wafers are being provided.