Housing is man's basic need. Though in this respect efforts have been made to I
make available a roof for everyone, but the rising cost of building material has'I
become worrisome. The only solution to the rising cost of building material is
development of building material, which is not only cheap but also durable, using
alternative techniques. In respect of roofs, tiles have been developed which are
not only cost effective but also match the quality of other types currently
available. The roofing tiles developed through a technique called Micro ConcreteI
Roofing is a result of worldwide research and is being extensively used in SouthI
America, African and South East Asian countries. M.C.R tiles are .widely used in I
Laos too. But these are not produced but imported from neighboring countries. I
The process is very easy and technology required is readily available. Over and I
above this the cost of the tiles being imported is very high as compared to the'
cost of production. Hence this product can be produced within Laos and a I
reasonably high profit can be expected from this project.
Specialty of M.C.RTiles: