Agri-tourism mqy be seen as a segment within rural tourism. Rural tourism includes additional forms of tourism
that exist in a rural setting, including ceo-tourism and other nature-based forms of tourism, adtura! tourism that
does not relate directlYto agriCtllture (e.g., outdoor dramas, nautankies, rasleelas, that occurs in rural areas but do
not have an agriculture theme), or rural adventure tourism. Agri- Tourism Entrepreneurship mqy be new concept
for farmers to get into enterprise and business system. EntreprenCllrship development through .Agri-toaris»:
business is not yet found in Indian rural or farm areas. Indian Agriculture is still for awqy from its tourism
exposure, few states of India like Rqjasthan, Assam, Haryana, U'P; Kerala, and so on are attracting tourism
for their villages but still there is no conceptfound regarding Agri-tourism. Agri- Tourism Entrepreneurship mqy
be a useful tool for the development of rural areas of India.
Article appeared in "Perspectives on: Agripreneurship and Rural Development" book which were edited by Pandey, R. K; Tripathi, P. S; Dubey, S. K. and Bajpai, Ashish .