EDII Institutional Repository

15 - 02nd Seminar on Business Response to Changing Environment (Mar. 1996)

15 - 02nd Seminar on Business Response to Changing Environment (Mar. 1996)


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  • Krishna, K V S M (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    Industrial scenario at Visakhapatnam is dominated by public sector investment. Apart from public sector enterprises the government expenditure in departmental services provides for the major economy generating activities ...
  • Chaudhuri, Shekhar (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    "Internationalization" and "globalization" are two words which have caught the fancy of managers, policy makers and management academics in India during the last four years following the adoption of the New Economic Policy ...
  • Keshari, Pradeep K (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    The attitude of developing countries towards Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has become favourable over the past decade. The arguments of dependency school disfavouring FDI (see Jenkins 1989 for a summary of the arguments) ...
  • Rutten, Mario; Upadhyay, Carol (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    Following the economic growth of the New Industrializing Countries in East Asia, several countries in South and Southeast Asia are now experiencing unprecedented fast development of their economies. This recent economic ...
  • Xavier, M J (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    The role of small and medium enterprises in India is fast changing with the integration of India economy with the rest of the world. Firms that lack sustainable competitive advantage are getting eliminated while a number ...
  • Bhole, L M (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    The global economy is currently in a state of flux. In order to cope with very rapidly changing business environment, the India business must fully understand the nature and implications of change. In this context, the two ...
  • Ramachandran, K; Shah, Balachandra; Shah, Bhupendra; Teli, Yogesh (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    1991 witnessed a paradigm shift in the philosophy of development of India as it witnessed major changes in the industrialisation policy of the country. While the balance of payments crisis is gave the government a rude ...
  • Kumar, Dennis Raja (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    The role of financial intermediation in facilitating capital formation of a country is well recognized. The control over intermediaries had lead to the view of "financial repression" which consequently affects the capital ...
  • Jena, R K; Kumar, Basanta (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    The present article attempts to examine the liberalisation impact on the overall environment, and business growth process of tiny and small industries in India.
  • Roy, Tirthankar (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    It is now evident that, roughly from the end of the 1980s, cotton textiles manufactures in the integrated mills has seen a rival sorts, owing to, we shall argue here, market-resurgence, mill-restructuring, deregulation, ...
  • Nath, Pradosh (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    The New Industrial Policy, 1991 has provided an accelerated pace to the gradual process of economic liberalization of Indian economy which began in early 1980's with the profound objective of increasing the efficiency and ...
  • Banerjee, Pranab; Lakshmi, M S (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    The small scale industry sector has emerged as the most dynamic and vibrant sector in recent times. The contribution of this sector accounts for over 30 per cent of the total export from Indian and provides sizeable ...
  • Morris, Sebstian (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1996-03-13)
    Since the initiation of the economic reform, much change has taken place in the policy environment, which in relation to the past may be fruitfully seen as a paradigm shift. Yet the direct policy towards small firms or the ...