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Browsing 13 - 03rd Seminar on Current Trends in Entrepreneurship Research (Mar. 1998) by Title

Browsing 13 - 03rd Seminar on Current Trends in Entrepreneurship Research (Mar. 1998) by Title

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  • Priyadarshi, Himank; Vakil, Kirti (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    The process of Rural Development is complex and multidimensional. It requires a multidirectional approach to improve the quality of life of weaker section which encompasses the development of agriculture and allied activities, ...
  • Shah, Amita (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    The foregoing analysis examined the process of transformation of rural unorganised manufacturing sector in which artisan-based activities are important components. In the backdrop of industrial sector growing on the pattern ...
  • Wadhwa, Gulshan (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    The commercialization of the technology is becoming more and more important with the increasing pace of industrialization through the world. But the number of technologies commercialized is very less compared to the number ...
  • Sadare, A M (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Entrepreneurship appeared in the French Language first. In the early 16th century it was applied to persons engaged in military expeditions. Subsequently it was extended to cover construction and other civil engineering ...
  • Shukla, Sunil (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Entrepreneurship education in India, or for that matter anywhere else, is of recent origin. In fact, few until very recently believed that entrepreneurs could be created through educational endeavours, or that entrepreneurship ...
  • Kumar, E N Ashok (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    From the view point of sociological perspective, the enterprises in India are of two kinds viz., the Dalit's Enterprise (DE) and the General Enterprise (GE). Obviously, these categories are the derivatives of the given ...
  • Jain, P C; Padmanand, V; Ramesh, N; Upadhyay, Mayank (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    The paper addresses issues in evaluating the potential" for enterprise turnaround in underdeveloped economies with inefficient institutions. The specific case of project evaluation of J &K enterprises in its contextual ...
  • Manimekalai, N (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Entrepreneurship is an important determinant of the industrial growth of any country. There are many evidences that advanced countries could enjoy the status of 'developed countries' mainly due to the contribution of the ...
  • Thangamuthu, C; Murugesan, V (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Entrepreneurship is one of the most important factors of the economic development of a country or regions within the country. It is true that the entrepreneurial competence makes the difference in the rate of economic ...
  • Kumar, Uday M A (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    There is a paradigm shift in our development policies since 1990s. Our economy is in for a second transition from planned economic growth to liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation. The first transition was from ...
  • Sareen, S B (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    In the context of economics in transition like India, where agriculture is no longer able to provide gainful employment of the teeming millions, and only a limited percentage have access to higher learning to gain entry ...
  • Prasad, R M; Geethakutty, P S (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Entrepreneurship in the farm sector is defined in terms of farmer's ability to take up activities such as mobilising resources, adapting technologies, opening new markets and exploiting opportunities. It is also defined ...
  • George, A Joseph (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Two distinct academic areas, namely Human Resource Development and Entrepreneurship have been linked using the systems view of organisations (Katz and Kahn, 1966). The Entrepreneurial Orientation construct delineated by ...
  • Sundararaj, J Johnson (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Rice milling is as old as cultivation of paddy and hence it is regarded as one of the oldest food processing industries in India. What has started as hand pounding industry has passed through a few distinct stages like ...
  • Kesavan, R Venkata (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Right from application of personal computer to Internet, the academicians and researchers are always using the advancement of IT all over the world. In a remarkably very short time, around the globe, the Internet has become ...
  • Kothari, Brij (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    India's efforts in basic primary and adult education are turning an increasing number of non-literates into semi- and neo-literates. But due to a serious lack of literacy skill practice opportunities, many relapse into ...
  • Bal, Gurpreet (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    The paper examines the relationship between traditions and "modern' enterprises on the basis of the empirical data. It argues that traditions should not be understood as a binary opposite of modern enterprises. This issue ...
  • Morris, Sebastian (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    In the current context of a liberalising economy that is attempting to industrialise within the spaces provided by a world capitalist system, exports of manufactured goods is the key to industrial transformation, and ...
  • Vikash, Chandra (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    As a political and economic entity, India has not yet shed the garbs of insularity that have stifled individual aspirations of its people for decades, and has kept under wraps, the problems of continuing high incidences ...
  • Pastakia, Astad (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 1998-03-18)
    Business entrepreneurs contribute to socio-economic development and change through their commercial enterprises. Enterprising individuals? Who have sought to change society or address social issues through an organized ...

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