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Gender Role Congruity in Family Businesses of India

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dc.contributor.author Gokhru, Anjali
dc.contributor.author Saxena, Siddhartha
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-16T06:11:33Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-16T06:11:33Z
dc.date.issued 2019-02-22
dc.identifier.isbn 9789386578402
dc.identifier.uri http://library.ediindia.ac.in:8181/xmlui//handle/123456789/7983
dc.description Thirteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship/ Edited by Sasi Misra, Sunil Shukla, Ganapathi Batthini en_US
dc.description.abstract Family businesses are considered to be paradoxical units, where the decisions are generally taken by the leader within the family business. Women seeking positions in family businesses often encounter considerable challenges in obtaining and retaining their roles. Especially, role congruity was reported as a significant barrier to the ability of women to successfully acquire and manage their positions and roles within the organizations. Role congruity can be understood in terms of the involved perceptions of how an individual's gender role fits or achieves congruity with other roles held by the individual. In most instances, leadership and female gender roles did not achieve a high degree of congruity thus creating barriers for women to successfully seek and retain leadership positions irrespective of the nature of the organization.The paper tries to look at qualities under behaviour provision and also understand the moderating role of gender which affects the family business roles. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Bookwell Delhi en_US
dc.subject family business en_US
dc.subject women en_US
dc.subject India en_US
dc.subject Gujarat University en_US
dc.subject Ahmedabad University en_US
dc.title Gender Role Congruity in Family Businesses of India en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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