

Recent Submissions

  • Nirmala, V (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    To integrate women into a country's development and growth process, literacy, employment and health are globally recognised as crucial for their empowerment. Inadequacy of female entrepreneurship is one of the constraining ...
  • Gupta, Vivek; Awasthy, Dheeraj (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    India has a reputation for its traditional therapies around the world. However given the vast diversity of the country there are thousands of such herbs and therapies. Given this diversity, traditional knowledge for long ...
  • Vyas, Vijay (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Creation of new and potentially fast growing businesses is the most obvious, and in popular perception, the only, consequence of entrepreneurial activity. The standard approach to entrepreneurship education too is to build ...
  • Mohanty, Tapan R (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    The evolution of human development has brought a new dimension into the paradigm of development. As a result education, empowerment and environmental consciousness are indoctrinated into the realms of development along ...
  • Goyal, Sunil; Goyal, Sangeeta (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    The word 'Entrepreneur' first appeared in the French language and was applied to leaders of military expedition in the beginning of the sixteenth century. After 1700 it was applied to other types of adventures. Then in the ...
  • Easwaran, Sunanda (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Over the past few years, women's participation in the work-force has shown a steady increase. This is particularly true of women running their own business. As a consequence, interest in understanding women's business has ...
  • Vanka, Sita; Reddy, Chandrasekhar (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Young people are a major force in the contemporary world. The future of any country depends to a large extent on the lines the youth are moulded to accept responsibility of a divorce nature. The role of youth has been long ...
  • Pawar, Shraavani S (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    In the world today, there's plenty of technology, plenty of entrepreneurs, plenty of money, plenty of venture capital. What's' in short supply is great teams. Your biggest challenge will be building a great team. Indians ...
  • Misra, S B (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Indenisation. of public services was a national ethos. Indians must rule India. Union Public service commission was born to cherish this. Over seven decades, it has grown to a reputed organisation focussing public services. ...
  • Venkatapathy, R (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Entrepreneurship is the lifeblood of any Economy. The entrepreneur is one who takes initiative and establishes the key variable, which links the ~socio cultural in lieu with the rate of economic development. Development ...
  • Hajirnis, Rajiv Vasant (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    "Within each country education can no longer be regarded as a series, of unconnected enterprises, conducted at different levels with purposes independent of each other. Education within any society must be considered as a ...
  • Ganesan, R; Satapathy, Sujata; Kaur, Dilbagh; Maheshwari, R C (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    The significance of mean differences between locus of control, conceptual understanding of entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship awareness and technical know-how skills were identified for women entrepreneurs with different ...
  • Shanker, P Udaya; Reddy, Venkateshwara (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Corporate strategy considers three factors. The first is the mission, which sets the overall goals or corporate objectives. The second is the environment in which the organization is working. The scanning of the environment ...
  • Mahalingam, P; Supriya, M V (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Many self-employed and small entrepreneurs have a common problem: the inability to plan personal finances with a varying and uncertain income. "How can you plan for next year when you don't know what will happen tomorrow" ...
  • Manimekalai, N; Rajeswari, G (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Women are discriminated against in every sphere of life, accorded inequitably a lower status than men. Further, their lower level literacy, lack of skills, general enfeeblement and withdrawn nature has reduced them to lead ...
  • Bagali, M M (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    During turbulent days, organizations are increasingly seen to innovate ways to manage business. One of these innovations is in the area of developing and managing human resources. Experience has shown that developing human ...
  • Ramachandran, K; Devarajan, T P (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Risk taking is crucial for long-term growth of any firm and constant innovation in the form of new products and services is the key to success. However, failure rates of new products have been extraordinarily high. We ...
  • Mani, K P (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    The development debate of Kerala has received global attention because of its uniqueness. The state enjoys the status of cent per cent literate state in the country with literacy rate (89.81 per cent) equal to the literacy ...
  • Pant, Bhanu; Mittal, Harini (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Concepts of entrepreneurship and technological innovations are related to activities that create economic growth and development. These concepts appear to be closely linked, but lack of clear and specific definition leads ...
  • Pal, Arun (Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development, 2003-01-06)
    Micro enterprise an unorganised sector mainly controlled by poor and un-privileged people, but a vibrating sector where the future is, unfortunately not yet noticed properly, just because we don't want to understand the ...

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